SAW Health Care House

is a safe house dedicated to the provision of shelter, specialized care and support for Burmese women and children with HIV/AIDS. It is the only center in Mae Sot where HIV+ women and children can live while receiving ARV treatment. Metta Calana will support 20 women in the Health Care House and 40 orphaned and abandoned children.

Villages in Burma

do not have access to family planning methods, prenatal care or safe delivery methods. The result is too often a maternal or infant death - one that could be prevented with proper care.

Metta Calana supports midwives and health care workers who provide family planning, prenatal supplements, and safe delivery kits.

The Reproductive Health Department at Mae Tao Clinic

provides a safe and friendly childbirth experience for thousands of women from Burma each year. Metta Calana will support skilled birth attendants who have trained and practiced at Mae Tao Clinic to take their skills to rural areas of Burma. We provide them with equipment and medicines they need to manage complications and difficult deliveries.